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The PS Waverley steams down the Clyde after refit!
PS Waverley arrives back at Glasgow after 2023 refit (12/04/2023)
Paddle Steamer Waverley. "Save the Waverley" Boiler Refit Appeal
Trip up the Clyde on the paddle steamer Waverley.
Cruise from Largs to Arran on the Waverley-World's last sea going paddle steamer.August 24th 2020
Paddle Steamer Waverley Heading up the River Clyde 29th July 2018.
PS Waverley - River Clyde Glasgow - 17/08/18
Waverley departs Greenock for Glasgow with SV Tenacious alongside July 2023
Back on the PS Waverley
PS Waverley leaving Dunoon
Waverley heading down the Clyde from Glasgow, 4th September 2021 Part 5, in 4K
Waverley paddle steamer returns to Glasgow after Arran crash